We've taken all of our Core and Pelvic Floor workouts from the EMP and put them into a separate program which is completely focused on....... you guessed it - your Pelvic Floor and Core.
These programs are designed for women who don't need the full EMP experience but who DO want to stay strong and connected to their pelvic floor and core with physio-led workouts and education.
Twelve Months unlimited access for just $149
✔️ Heal your Core After Birth with 5 Levels of Core Workouts for each stage of your postnatal journey.
✔️ Strengthen your Pelvic Floor with Pelvic Health Physio specialised workouts
✔️ Reduce Separation and feel more confident in your body
✔️ Complete 12 month program from early postnatal core rehab to advanced core workouts + functional core strength